Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This value compares with fear

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The value is a resident of quality in every person recognized his fear of what is and adjusted. The value is the ability to act in order to take the next step, despite or in spite of a negative regulatory agency emotion. Courage is not absence of fear, but the functionality to act as the energy of fear is what has allowed. The value is the attribute of the application. It takes courage to let go, move to the small stream to transmit the next step.The value is the ability to leave behind him, despite all the evidence necessary to maintain the current situation and limited notions about reality.

The challenge to maintain, when the feeling of fear, to take the fight "or steal syndrome has been described. A person has three options: the distance that the threat or flee (); resist, be subject to threats (control) or nothing . The options, with anxiety at first requires a response to emotions, and then the action, the direction of the OfferCircumstances. You lose when you succumb to the victims of emotions in the race, fight or fear, paralysis. There is another way. The other way is never a channel of fear for themselves.

Wisdom is the word used to describe the path to enlightenment, the path to lasting security. For the first time that the wisdom recognizes the nature of fear, wisdom and faith helped us finally reached a state in which it is aware of the fear away. We overcame fear through the recognition of fearInsignificance.

Life is a good opportunity, opportunities, the negative energy of fear, eliminating a life of faith and positive expectations. For a life of faith requires a connection to the spiritual source and the knowledge that this place is not our final home. We are visitors in a strange and wonderful - we travel here on a tourist visa. We enjoyed our stay temporarily, to accept the passing of time, circumstances, possession, and opportunities. Joyat the time, we continue with the certainty that no matter what life brings the reality of flesh and blood, air, land, water and fire temporary and transient. We, the consciousness of the viewer, profitable and sustainable.

Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes life moves quickly, at some point life moves slowly, but always in motion. Ups and downs, highs and lows. Emotions wash over us like waves breaking on the beach. The circumstances in our lives and situationschange. This whole existence is in motion. Life, the world is to change this life. With the recognition that we are observers, we are consciousness: we can act with courage to face fear.

As William James said: "Much of what we call evil is only that we take the phenomenon. It is often bitten when he tried unsuccessfully to stop once to avoid them, we decided to take a face and ..." The Courage is fear, fear, and acting in spite of the excitement. Do not let fear ruleYour life. Choose your own best route, from fear.

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