Thursday, April 15, 2010

Satan with a chain connected by a thousand years - when it is and what it means?

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Rev. 20:1 I saw an angel from heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.

Rev 20:2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

In greek, the term of abyss is, literally, the source of the abyss at the bottom of the pit. The term "black hole" is not misleading, unless it is too literally, and made an attempt to project ideasomething very specific, such as immovable property. Projects spoils the idea of something that has no depth in his dark, evil and depravity.

The thousand years' imprisonment for the devil

Satan will be closed for a thousand years. The great chain binds Satan is actually the symbol of the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the force that sets limits on the devil and make it impotent.

A proper exegesis, non-ZionistThis shows that Satan wants to do more than he. He wants to be able to express its full screen and the program worldwide for his people, but can not. This is because the Holy Spirit in the Church, which is silent on the basis of untested and will continue to prevent what he first called in the trash. This term can mean apostasy (and in this case means) away, capture, removal or expulsion.It 'a reference to Christ's return and the abolition of the Church of the scene.

Stuck with a rope

Keys to the kingdom for the Church, by the authority and responsibility of binding and loosing, given to them. Jesus was careful to explain that the key issue, the union of Satan and his relationship with the church. The story is recorded in Matthew 16:13-21. In this passage, Jesus showed them that the GospelConfession among the people that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that the specific performance of the key and the binding of Satan and the release of prisoners are at stake, he said, in terms that do not understand now to show that it is inextricably tied to the cross and resurrection, this central event of history took place freedom that Christ and his disciples were simply not available. In Luke 12:50 He said: "But I have a baptism to be baptizedAs I am so afraid [in other words, '] out to the end! "

Jesus gave instructions about this in Matthew 12:22-32. It 'hard to imagine how the lesson could have been clearer. The binding of Satan, and leaving him without defense is the Holy Spirit working conditions by Christ and the Church. The trend in this important function of the time of the Church to another attribute of the source is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. As in all cases of this character andmiracles, Jesus did not come to testify in the theater facing the world of religious humanism. The fact is that the power to bind the kingdom of Satan and his Church is in the loot. In fact, what we do, every time preaching the gospel and the soul is free from it. Jesus said clearly that this does not happen if it were true that the first related to the devil, so that you can not leave the Church's mission.Do not take this principle in the letter. Not everyone who hears the Gospel is free to him because not everyone wants to be free. But the sovereignty of God is according to plan. For those who are elected to eternal life, which is always going to work. We can say, is free for the purposes of this discussion, which in any case, the large chain that is the Gospel, being Satan, he is bound by it, and the prisoner.

In Mark 3:23-27, Jesus, Satanand has no charges against him. It is Christ and the Church, reject and push it out to be the life of those who are redeemed from the slavery of sin. For our analysis, the salvation of the soul is a clear demonstration of the binding of Satan.

That the concept of literacy here is a bug in the face, we have carefully arranged the pages of Mark 5:3. A madman who was possessed by demons that inhabit the cemetery. No authority can bind the man, not even with chains. AI think it's a coincidence that the Holy Spirit put that passage in the Bible we read. I think one reason is the same folly to deprive the steps of his greed, searching for a literal interpretation, intention and will not enter into force is exposed.

Recently I was listening to a renowned theologians of the past on the beast, the false prophet and the city of Babylon. Caustic in tone (not characteristic of his teachingexcept in prophetic subjects), explained that the city was in fact the false prophet is real, and the beast really is. He continued, the unpleasant things about people like me who take things to say symbolically in Revelation. The good doctor does not explain why the symbolism often uses the sword when it comes from Christ's mouth, burning eyes, stomach ivory, bronze feet, lamb, and was killed with seven eyes and seven heads fall, the stars of sky, whoseThe name is wormwood, horns, and head the Dragon and the Beast, the great prostitute, the three frogs from the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, and so on.

The criticism of the principle of the orthodox doctrine of the symbols of revelation does nothing to discredit the practice. It just useless humanism and legalism of Christian Zionists, select the person with the symbols of Revelation to show its age showsTestament teachings of circumcision, or worse, and then try to defend the legitimate teaching of the New Testament symbolism gossip rec.

The imagination, that these rules will be theologians of the Old Testament to life for others, are so arbitrary as to be dishonest. I heard a pastor of the general area said that one reason why we should be for a literal interpretation of prophecy, look, that all prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus literally fulfilled. Itis difficult to say that this doctrine is false from the truth. What is hard to imagine that this is a real control they have learned through When Jesus through his resurrection, fulfilled the prophecy: "Destroy this temple and in G three days rise again" was a literal fulfillment? As James says in Acts fifteen years, gathering people into the kingdom of God is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Amos of Amos in 9:11:12, was a literal fulfillment?The stay of Gentiles into the Church, the building was again the tabernacle of David. It 'was the fulfillment of this part of the prophecy that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the nations in which my name, saith the Lord who does all these things.

James also said in verse 15 all words of the prophets concerning Christ and the Church were written. It has never been restored Jewish question some reason, whatever its definition. All the prophetswas written in full agreement with what had happened.

N literal tabernacle of David restored

This is obviously not a literal fulfillment of prophecy, and is another very important reason that this prophecy could not be implemented literally. There was no literal tabernacle of David in the Old Testament. The Tabernacle of David is a metaphor for Christ and the Church of the day was done. In I Chronicles 17, the son of God promised that Solomon was Davidbut Christ, and the house built by God, David was promised to the temple, but the church. There are many other achievements of the prophecy of Jesus 'time' and then not apply to the letter. The egotistical proclamations are based on illusions, not sound exegesis.

I do not think either of these two men - in the first case - were the Pharisees and false teachers. However, I bought the Pharisees false doctrine when it comes to JewsFables of the kingdom of God The idea that the Jews still God's people as clearly as a heresy that taught in the Church today. Who does not see that, blinded by the traditions of the people on this important issue.

N Bottomless Pit literal, not a string literal

It 'also clear that the chain that binds Satan, literally, nor the abyss in which it is intended. These lessons are useful only if we get rid of the shipTradition in the eyes of our mind, be it: the symbolism.

N keys literal

Biblical references to the keys of the kingdom itself, because we know that we are not talking about literal key metaphor. If you want to make something useful of these writings, we must recognize that in the book of Revelation, employing more symbolic than any other book of the Bible. Facts and figureshere are almost entirely symbolic. The arrest authority is the presence of Satan and the power of the church. The power of the Church of the Holy Spirit, against the Pharisees about Jesus has been administered. The proclamation of the Gospel and the power of the Word of God is the great chain.

The binding of Satan does not mean looking

This does not mean that Satan has been allowed to do any activity. The problem here is specificSatan is powerless to stop the work of the church. You can not fool the country in this era of the church (which is both the need and the Kingdom of God.) You can not obstruct the work of the kingdom of God he has no power to interfere with what God does. In the last and final point is not the devil, and does not work. You can try, but that's all you can do.

Some will say: "But he has the power to prevent God and his people. See what you didtogether. He developed the case, led to the crucifixion of Christ, was responsible and capable of many things. "

Who had the power of death

The devil had more power and influence on the cross as today, and now we're talking about. The thousand years is a number, symbol of the liberation of the church. We consider this loss of power for some time. Hebrews 2:14 and 15 tells us that God hasEven in the form of flesh and blood, so that it could lead to death, had the power of death, the devil, and be reimbursed by the fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

In Luke 10:17,18, in a situation that was the prelude to the new era of the Holy Spirit, Jesus sent seventy, after inhalation, and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. He returned and said all the things that had to do in the situation. Jesus replied: "II saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.

In verse 10 of our current text, Satan is defeated. In chapter 12, verses 7-9, we saw that was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels, and did not win, but was found any more in heaven. And the great dragon, that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, who seduces the whole world has been thrown down and his angels were cast outwith him.

A change was certainly in this dispensation, so that the powers that Satan was gone. However, if we see the broad perspective of Scripture, the devil has never won. The names are always "as it is written" or "To whom were appointed first time the" old "or something like that. God in the prophets, saying:" I create darkness and light, which creates evil, I nations for the Day of Judgement. "God says that all things design. This does not mean that the person has done well. Jesus said, it is inevitable that there are crimes, but woe to him with hands that are. In chapter 14 of Isaiah or God once said to Babylon: "I raised my people for their negligence, but not punish them for something. And then, you will receive the punishment, my men" or something general effect . In the spirit ofGreat God, what is fair and equitable. God is thinking in different directions from ours. At one point, doubt or criticism of God, we do not understand that the way it should. No matter. God does. So, in effect, all that Satan has done is according to God's plan and to our advantage.

We won more in Christ, we lost in Adam

And 'better for the race fell, because we have more things in Christ, we acquiredLost in Adam. The crucifixion of Christ was the biggest event ever in the history of mankind has brought salvation for the world. Thus, we see how, in the final sense, Satan does not really obstruct the work of God's plan at all, even in the old days. He played in the hand of God But this is particularly true in the dispensation of the Church as skinny as hell he had lost power, that is the point. Satan can do things, but not in a positionthe program and hinder God's plan, it may not in any way interfere with the true Church in its mission. You can not. We have the power of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and embrace him and make him impotent. This is what Jesus meant when he said: "I will continue my church, on the grounds that his work as the Christ, the Son of God and build the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 'Like going forward in this world that God wants his church to know that Satan is powerlessall that is destructive or harmful to the true and faithful son of God and the real work of the kingdom of God to do. All Satan can do is what has been called. The only people who are injured by those who are outside the protection of God because of how they live. It's a little 'more than a thousand litlt4e binding of Satan and the Church will reign with Christ a thousand years .. We must do something to use the biblical terma mile.

Thousand Years numbers are used as symbols of the Apocalypse. We took note of the report are numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24 and 144. If a number is used as a symbol, it is impossible to understand the meaning of some of its mathematical properties. If the meaning is in the symbolism, the mathematical property means nothing. This should be used regardless of number. The number 1000 is one of those numbers, and is often usedsymbolically as we have said many times, not only in the book of Revelation, but in other places. A study of the Bible in the payment of thousands of people show that is often used as a literary device to express something other than literal. Certainly not trying to be exhaustive but to serve some quotes to support this view.

God says in the 50th and the 10th Psalm, the cattle on a thousand hills belong to him. God does not mean that literally. I do not knowThis means that the cattle were in a thousand hills him and the rest of them belong to someone else. It 'used to pay thousands as a figure in this case. It 'true that the figurative objects are different from the Apocalypse of John. However, it is to use a trademark.

In Psalm 84:10 David King, said one day before the justice of God better than a thousand. This psalm is not to compare one day per thousand literal days. It 's a metaphor, that somewhat the Lord for us, for a short period of time is better than the world can make a living.

Psalm 91:7 says, speaking as a prophet in the name of God, a mile down on your side, ten thousand at your right, but not to approach him. This phrase should not be taken literally, says that people can fall around us, but if we have the Lord, our refuge, nothing can harm us.

In 1 Samuel. 18:7, as they were in the battleIsrael declared them as women and their harps tamberils Saul had played thousands of concerned and David his ten thousands. This does not mean that tens of thousands of people killed David Saul, while only a thousand. This means that David was a brave warrior and a better protector of Israel, as was Saul.

Ecclesiastes 6:6, Solomon say about the futility of man and his ability to reach if you lived a thousand years twice, but neverthey will be. This does not mean that the literal interpretation. It 's a metaphor.

In I Cor. 4 St. Paul told the crowd that the church when I was a child of ten thousand teachers in Christ was only a spiritual father. St. Pual who had led through the Gospel. Literally it means nothing here. It was a way to tell a teacher to say that God taught you is worth more than all, the word love in the mechanical world.

In 1 Cor. 14.19 hours, saidthat the church would rather speak five words in a language they can learn from others, than ten thousand words in an unknown language. The apostle does not attempt to establish a mathematical equation. One reason for a thousand or two is not the point. It 's a metaphor - a figure of speech.

San Pedro said one day with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.

These are the types of applications you can find the number 1000 in the Bible. Everyof the above, another use of metaphor and symbol, as we paid to the revelation, and certainly a scholar, exercise can produce an interesting study on the differences. But the fact is that all metaphorical and show that the number "thousand" is commonly used as a form of words in the Bible

Admittedly, the book of Revelation is symbolism more fertile and often in other parts of the Bible. The revelation is a mile-termused to carry a big unknown as its parameters. In this case, is called the age of the church, while the Apocalypse and the time of the Kingdom of God in this world. You can reject this out of control because of their traditional teachings, but in front of you, make sure you understand one thing. This is historical and traditional teaching of the Orthodox Church. It is, as Jerome, Athanasius, Iraenas, and Augustine saw, and it is as if the whole ChurchConsiders that the fourth to the 19th century, with very few exceptions known. Christian Zionism and his son were expelled by the Church as a Jewish story in the fourth century. Only heating and legalistic, Anglican, John Darby, who left the Church in Ireland and joined the Plymouth Brethren - a mysterious group of so many people are unaware of what they are, that this doctrine back in religious circles. This was achieved mainlyEnlightenment and the fact that experts say could keep notorious for their lack of spiritual knowledge, to reach this point of view and manipulate intellectually materialistic. In fact, Christian Zionism, the materialist conception of Orthodox Christianity called for that reason. It 's a long intellectual imagination and theology of the Old Testament and so short as to almost total lack of spiritual knowledge.

The Millennial Kingdom

During thisAge of the church, believers, those in white robes and golden crowns, live and reign with Christ throughout this period is characterized by a thousand years. This is not a literal thousand years, is not intended to be regarded as God would be disproportionate to the Book of Revelation and symbolic devices that are used, if so, what does not.

She claims to have learned that there is a literal kingdom 1000 yearsthis land in the future, living in the earthly Jerusalem. One might ask, as I'm sure should not be taken literally. I am sure beyond a doubt raised, there is no Millennium literal return of the land in the future with Christ on this earth to rebuild the Jewish temple and the land siege of Jerusalem. It 'good to happen. This is a false doctrine that has proven to be a disservice to cross the heavenly sanctuary, Christ entered intoFor us, the high priesthood of Melchizedek (and I speak of the Hebrews, chapters 7 to 9) and is quite misleading.

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