Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why do bad things keep happening to me?

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The question of how did I know I'm not the best person in the world, but why do bad things in my life to be? It seems that I have a crisis and another occurs only.

I have this problem in the light of the fact that not many people seem only occasionally to an unfortunate incident in his life around, but still negative recurring events. It 'hard to create events that people have to convince them to be negative, because who in their rightThe mind is, would be punished in this way.

I am more documents on this site, so that the creative process, I will not go into detail to explain it other than to say many emotions, thoughts, desires and Expectations engine is a revolutionary idea of the forces in the physical matter. Of course, I will not be present, otherwise it would be, when his life on this global system of Earth /. This is the most important lesson of the earth "experienceFinally, the creator not only of their own reality, but the reality of land in the world, in collaboration with the consciousness of others. Cooperation is an important feature of consciousness, as it combines with other forms of consciousness and the maintenance of a coherent reality that everyone can agree on and experiences. I know it is almost inconceivable that you've reached this point in their development and not realize that they are actually responsibleeverything that happens in your reality.

No God required of all, do not blame you if your life is not what you want. They plan to create and no doubt there are valid reasons why your life is what it is. There are some good news here and when you really think that your life and events, as I always said, you can change. This is the lesson to learn, and is responsible for creating and pain is notothers. They are not held hostage by the unfortunate events in his life certain to remain Appear karmic return of a previous life. You can not imagine the guilt of some of God to do nothing better than walking on a cloud and looked at his subjects to judge and punish their sins. You can not blame the neighbor with the barking dog, and you can not blame your boss to fire you without remorse. The universe is based on the principle of change, and if thecan change the universe can not change? remember nothing is what it is, and whether that change is inevitable, can not, then all you have to make changes to come in channels for better control of your life.

The thought processes involved in subjective consciousness push objects and events goal is as natural as breathing for the physical body. Somehow, reality shines through your inner self will never be reduced responses to physical stimuliUnable to hold his breath for a very long term. All natural consciousness radiates electromagnetic particle physics, which eventually gather enough momentum to attract other properties, like, raves, and become sources of energy to break the invisible barrier and coagulant in the background in the arena of physical incarnations.

This is a series of misunderstandings, because this process is neutral and it works, what would you doCall things good and bad, and not judge. Create your reality, you know it or not, and this, in all aspects of their lives night and day. If you do so automatically, you may ask, what is the point of learning to do something, you know how? And the answer to learn to discern and create exactly what you want, instead of "pot luck, what better all aspects of your life much easier. TheLearning to be creative and conscious what you want to bounce from the wall instead of a disaster to another.

daily events of your life to follow certain rules automated build process, with which they have little control over when, but you can learn to master. Physical reality, which contains everything about you, your home, your car, your health, the environment, promotion of health, friends, marriage, injuries, their successes andThe failures are the result of the creative process done by him and his contemporaries. There is nothing that can perceive what you know you have your share of the creative process. The problem is that unless you know you create your reality, this process runs out of control, sometimes wild and instead of getting what you want, and are influenced to create and accept the beliefs of others, then get what they want from you. If not self-assertiontheir lives, and create what you want, then there are many others who will be happy to provide what they want in life. In a sense, then you abdicate this responsibility to others.

These people are called doctors, religious, scientific, pharmaceutical companies and used car salesman. Now this would not be as fun as it sounds, because of one thing or another, some people have learned to change their beliefs for the project and manipulate their beliefs and convictions of others, whetherconsciously or unconsciously, and this may seem quite succeed in life. The first thing to do is to begin the task of creating your reality in their favor, and therefore also for the benefit of others. What does this mean for you? It gives you control. Your life sometimes seems to be out of control, and all the evil that happens to you? Not if you're willing to take responsibility for their lives. Weregiven the gift of the gods that you are the creator of their world and their environment and you do not even need to know. You live forever and do not know much.

First, nothing happens, everything is done for you. They have created all the events in your life, good and bad, in his opinion, but at this stage of their development as you seem to have no control over the events of his life. Fortunately for you, this is not the case.

Your immediate environmentThrough an unknown process, a representation of external physical reality of the internal state of being. In other words, your inner reality is perfectly predictable external reflection of their inner mental health. If your life is not satisfactory, then you should look within to find the cause. The concept is almost too easy, in history, but it is true that a balanced, comprehensive, reached the inner state of being, a harmonious balance plansTowards a value of healthy and full of life.

The reality is the result of internal manipulation of consciousness, there is a feedback system and observation and review of successes and failures in life, you get a good image of your inner being. You are responsible and you are solely responsible for the unfortunate things that happen you think but it has created the safest that created their success. The first step is to create andThe acceptance, implementation and accountability of your life and all its manifestations. You can not blame an unknown power, that "bad luck", or the law is some capricious God, to punish indiscretions past. This attitude must begin, "I did, I am responsible, I will learn from this and start now to make it better next time." Remember that you are in control, and you must learn to channel your positive thoughts TakeResults.

Objects and events are the result of consciously directed energy, and in ideal circumstances, the energy flows freely, unimpeded by false beliefs and distorted. The energy, which meets with disabilities in the production of blocks and obstacles materialized less perfect structures and events, which means that the evaluation system is required to submit proof that you need to change my belief system. The disease is a symbol of return, which usuallyThey know that something is wrong mentally. Remember that events are bad for national problems of reference were the "canary in the coal mine," he wanted to draw attention to internal contradictions and blocks the free flow of energy. This energy is still trying to replicate as closely as possible the psychological state of their inner and the proposed three-dimensional physical field. If your thoughts and beliefs are distorted, unhealthy or bad, every day of your external realityeven negative events in their lives and continue to occur.

There is confusion here, I'll give some examples of the belief that evil could trigger events in your life, but first I want to make clear that religion played in this scenario, and can also be an atheist I feel like an expert in creating asset, a positive, although in their lives that most of Pope Pius in a golden throne in Rome. The creation of reality is not arbitrary, it followscertain provisions of fair or pompous.

A belief that life has no meaning and no sense that despite all his efforts, eventually dies and your personality will be destroyed be harmful. The belief that others are usually wrong and always right and has difficulty in taking other measures that can lead to problems. Home to perpetuate the negative feelings of hate nothing more to believe that the body is bad and less than perfect, that's allThis can lead to negative events occur.

I realize that I'm here is redundant, but it is important to understand this rule, usually among other things, in his world, and this rule is, you get what you focus on colors and color their inner feelings. You can focus on wealth, but if you believe that wealth corrupts the interior, is made by the United Nations for the rich. You can focus on health, but inside, if you feel that the body is deficient in nature andvulnerable, born in sin, you will get unhealthy.

Indeed, if your internal belief system is distorted, become the seeds of future events in the fertile soil, and can not grow and form favorable events in your life. Now I know that this is a gross simplification, but in general, and I stress the word usually good things seem to happen to good people and bad things to bad people. Of course, this claim is reversed and no sense, because these events are caused byPeople who have learned to react and wait for developments and events, good and bad people would be less established in their lives. Another rule is that expectations generally expect, if not provided. The terms are good and bad in this description, arbitrary safe, but usually when you are in harmony with yourself, your age and their environment, their belief system is a natural state of balance , which is error energy be avoidedConvictions and bad events are few and far between. In this process, and definitely attracts like, and if once the tee shot to have a good thing in your life to attract other similar activities.

Sure, you may find difficult, as long as you love yourself as separate from his contemporaries to believe its environment and its objects or events. The ego loves his independence, which blocks most of the valuable information that will make you aware ofThe link between you and your environment, and if you think that is totally independent from everything around you, you tend to believe they have little control over their lives. Awareness is particularly credit unions, and the words "we are all in the same" all things visible and invisible, it is probably true. Scientists know that elementary particles behave differently when observed, because it is a stretch to understand thatan invisible link between the observer and perception.

I know my friend, is that scientists are sometimes outrageous comments and outrageous statement, but I can tell you that in this intricate, invisible conscience stars are more distant universe is connected and there is no space in between . What we interpret as a space is an illusion created by lack of perception. We will discuss these invisible bonds soon.

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