Saturday, August 21, 2010

real life and fictional TV Stars

Everyone has a favorite program on television. It's fun and exciting drama, the overwhelming passion, emotion and action of our popular series obtained. The emotions we feel, even though a watered down version of what they relate to events and activities of real life, real and feel powerful. These programs can make him cry, laugh and even social action in terms of content. They make us nervous, anxious, happy, sad, and give us all obedient and faithfulWeek. But as one who was a noted feature of his favorite actors, maybe a talk-show, the vast majority of TV stars were observed, all cite a similar experience: people on the street find a bug in his character.

Who knows why this phenomenon occurs more often watch TV with movies, but it seems that if there was a large group of people who can not get these actors play a role in reality;week that the window on the world of these characters is that the creation of writers, producers and artists, not all based in reality. Perhaps people are confused because of high production values of its satellite television and reality shows that extending this line as "The Hills" and Shore "Jersey." However, the actors and actresses was never informed that the fans are asking how to take things in their relationship with the love on the screenInterestingly, as in real life who are happily married to another question, what happens to the child if the actress is not really pregnant, and generally bring in the life of the character, as if an actor's life.

While events like this certainly known actors and producers on the backs of their presentation convincing, you must wonder how many people can view the complete wave face the world of high definition, and WHEREthe definition of the principle of the real world? It 's always lost in a television program to the point, which implies a basis in reality, what happens? Or people a bit 'fragile for details of the hypothesis that a pregnant actress, was chosen to represent a teenager pregnant? At the end of the day is impossible to say exactly what happened here, but it seems that the world must be at least a bit 'worried that this happens regularly.

One hand the worldtheir new media and news. As satellite television a person is likely that hundreds of opinions and accusations by politicians, businessmen and human rights groups. If a person believes everything he or she sees on television, Including what no one thought, and really, how the world can be sure that the right messages are always transmitted by the media? In a world where people still believe that Obama is a Muslim, because I heard on the satelliteSome years ago on television, it may be time for a little 'more distance between the real and the imaginary.

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