Monday, May 3, 2010

Pride, vanity, excess observed

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What can you learn when there are the models we have chosen ignorance over

"Man did not weave the web of life, is a part of it." - Chief Seattle

Some people find the concept of humility, that it is impossible to understand and even harder to get a part of his character. In the Western world, the criteria used to evaluate the appearance of personal values. Presentation and prestige, it seems that the rules of dignity,a person or an inanimate object. As children in psychological experiment, we are attracted by the luminous sphere. If you turn on, okay.

I will never forget how impressed with my return to America in 1993, was the sight of an advertisement for a car, sensual voice of a woman and again: "How am I? While moving in a circle on a platform so it can be seen from any angle. Then I realized that we Westerners so busy, judging from the cutabroad, that we forget to look inwards. For the first time that I like Bill Bryson, whose book, "I heard that I am a stranger here, he describes his impressions of America after his return after twenty years abroad. I wholly endorse this situation so unpleasant .

There is something disturbing about the superficiality, judging by the people, tend to each other. For example, if a man is well dressed every day, for example, people: "It 'a good man, always so gooddressed and manicured. "On the contrary, once the omission of a man who goes to church on Sunday morning, a witness because he was wearing jeans. Nobody wanted to sit next to him. I knew it was wrong place. As if to confirm the date on which the minister came to the podium was a sermon, the difficulty of his trip to Sudan (Darfur was included). It seems that he was forced to withdraw its Samsonite suitcase through the sand to get to your apartment. He has served on many add-onsother difficulties that were suffered during his stay a week. As a long term resident of an African country I have heard and I wondered what the hell he did in the first place. This corresponds to experience a few days' to a life of hardship for Sudan. It 's my experience that many religious leaders use their positions and use them as an excuse for the free world. Send to places like Africa and China. What inWorld? The Chinese have been practicing Christians, Muslims and Jews in his country. In fact, most of these so called "followers" can not speak Swahili, Xhosa, Hausa, or Mandarin.

What this man knows? The small inconvenience suffered is nothing compared to the charm of four wooden sticks attached to a plane, go home - especially when placed on a landfill. What is a homeless child in a Third World country (TWC), which has a listing in sleepDispose of waste during the night, he can stay warm, and not in danger, fired by the police? Then there are the victims of polio, which, if they are lucky, you can drag around a flat board with four wheels, shoes, as Porgy in "Porgy and Bess." The less fortunate can not have their hands atrophied as a substitute for the use of his legs and pull the legs, hands with a swinging motion to move along the streets of cement. Thenare of leprosy. As if that punishment was not enough, the indigenous peoples of Africa, with another plague, AIDS has been charged. These are just some of the obstacles that calls every day for the home TWC.

In my book, Kijana: "I describe the condition of these people, the best of my understanding of the nature of Pole Pole (pronounced Polay Polay), a street beggar on a skateboard:

Hunger, filth, homelessness and poverty, which wasa legacy that touches life. May your future? Just look at their past or present. Born into poverty, living in poverty, die in poverty. One day a beggar died, and it would be difficult to skateboard. Likely to grow, thanks to him and the equipment. Thus, the cycle of poverty. He argues that since there was nothing he could do. Who can say that is courageous? Who can say what is strong because it survived, no. He did not survive. Wordsuggesting a day to overcome to survive. It is only because he lives another day. Has no past, no future, only today and now, today. If you live in the day, not thinking about tomorrow, once and has been done to date in question.

I have so many churches are embarrassed by the number that was, but I simply abandoned. I think in a game of a corrupt minister in my area. I have a second sense in whichis wrong, and I know immediately that I am not a follower of a particular pastor. On one occasion, attempted to officials of my Sunday school tell you what I experienced with regard to the priest above. They refused to listen. Two years later, a church member called to tell me that I was right and that he was a deacon and filed criminal charges.

We have to see the shepherds. There is no need to go to Africa, there are many Africansto manage the future Christian ministers in African countries. Moreover, the political exclusion of ordinary people is not as corrupt as us. As for Muslims, not converted. His attitude is very similar to that of the Jews, religions through his death. Jews hold a funeral for those who change their faith. Among Muslims, the penalty can be death.

But I'm not the defects of our spiritual guides, I prefer to look at some ofThe shortcomings of the diplomats I have met in my life. People often ask why I do not want to marry someone in the diplomatic corps. My answer was always the same: "I just wanted someone who was normal. These men, who have everything ready for them to be proud of, to the point of being unbearable.

In 1992, Namibia became independent. The Australian Prime Minister, not the celebration of independence, but someone had to attend instead. Since I wasWorking hours at the Department of Prime Minister and the Government, and was the only one who knows Namibia, with a member of the UN mission in the country have already been written discourse. At that time there were very few who could pronounce the name of Namibia. My role was to regulate the acceptance of diplomatic credentials. I worked for the department on a temporary basis until I finished my master.

Even the times that I would contacthigh-level visits to other departments. I always said that the first question, "Do you know who I am surprised? And my answer would be quiet" Hell No I'm not interested. "One might think that would be quite diplomatic to say" Hello, my name because I was not ___________." so difficult, Sydney Poitier is meant when it comes to office, despite the fact it is well known, could favorPhone and most people recognize his voice.

Another thing that worries me about diplomats in excess. I once met a man who had 50 combinations in the closet of the date. I asked if this is really necessary. There are people in southern Africa, without a dress. Have a jacket and pants in another. I think, ten suites would be for everyone, even if a diplomat.

Another diplomat said to me, I know who bought the horse his children for Christmas. He saidwhat my son wanted to buy a horse, I gave a picture of one. I think this man can afford two horses, his wife was a judge and was an ambassador. He said the new house they purchased was so important that their children were lost in mourning and in the end, until someone found him. It seems ridiculous excess, over time can not sleep in one room at a time.

Diplomats are often irritable. A senior diplomat, whose house I visited showed me his newWall to wall curtains. "I myself," he said. "I do not want to take this opportunity to shop there." My shoes are still smoking away, away from this one race.

Then there was an itinerant ambassador complained bitterly every time he came to Nairobi for its employees stayed home and was forced to tie his shoes. Yes, these people are not. I asked if he hoped that I, my task was to take you on a journey through the development anddescribe the many facets of the program, Swahili, English or French.

An American friend was a friend of a very, very rich family in Africa. Every morning, his servant in his pants. They were not allowed on the hem of the pants to touch the ground as he dressed. He never explains how.

If man is merely a strand in the fabric of life, I think many people do not take into account. It seems thatI think it was all over the web woven by them.

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