Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Evolution Games

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The history of video games in general, with all types of avatars and the evolution of video games arrives filled slowly but surely - it was an immediate success.

Most people remember "Pong" as the first video game ever. It was a simple computerized version of the game of ping-pong. However, in reality there are many more games, the path that starts before "Pong", made its debut in the match. Today, video games have evolved veryThe entertainment industry profitable. Competes with the film in terms of popularity and has even founded his own way in a glamorous Hollywood - films with some popular games, like Resident Evil and Doom, and vice versa, as were the games that were developed in films like Star Wars and Transformers.

Currently, there are three major manufacturers have launched their new consoles, each console on the market. These are the SonyPlayStation3, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox360. The companies that have carefully planned all aspects of this game, which will be produced to ensure that this is the best advice and news for sure to beat competitors.

With their success, too much speculation on its impact on society, especially the younger generation. While many people reject the idea of children using video games, toys and entertainment,The crux of the matter is that they have actually demonstrated, and studied the positive impact on mental and physical development of children until they are used sparingly.

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