Sunday, January 10, 2010

Capaya - proselytizing among Christians against Israel

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Capaya - campaign against Christians in Israel - is an organization headed by Moshe Mordechai van Zuid. There is an equivalent organization of Jews against Jewish proselytizing among Christians? I doubt it.

I'm against anyone - Jew, Israelite or Gentile - to move towards Christianity false "traditional churchianity. This popular error distorted true Christianity with the mystery religion of Babylon transvestites"Christianity."

True Christianity, as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong is the next coming of the Kingdom of God will be established by King Messiah, Yeshua. We will not convert or believe that it is our responsibility to save "in the world. If God wants to save the world is saved. There is no conflict between God and the Devil, contrary to traditional myths.

I encourage Moshe-Mordechai van Zuid and encourage others to non-Jews, the hypocrites against "Christian"Mission to remain in exile, far from the homeland of the Jews, and have the courage to confess Christ in this country to preach, as I have seen in many forums. Yes, these forums, I mean, not the Jews is a legitimate response to their conversion.

Jews are faithful not to confuse the replacement in New York with Eretz Israel. Israel needs American Jews and American Jews need Israel! This large influx of aid from American Jews in the land of Israel couldsuicides sweeping the peace process in Israel and restore the spirit.

Not the Jews prophesied to return to Israel? Jews are Jews, ethnic or convert your own? How should Israel treat their resident Arabs? Why the world focus on Jerusalem, for the wrong reasons?

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