Monday, July 19, 2010

World of Warcraft - Cataclysm

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In the world of MMORPG World of Warcraft is a game that requires no idea. A game that dominated the genre for some time with his game and reality. With the latest version of Icecrown Citadel, veterans and new players may be asked, what is the fight against the Lich King. Blizzard Entertainment is ready to provide new content, and the newest addition to the Cataclysm is known as its next packet. One of the things that come with the last enlargement,Here are some things you would expect.

increased with each new expansion pack version of the maximum value. The first two extensions to the maximum of 10 levels. This time, developers have only increased the maximum level of 5. This is something practical for players who think more characters in the expansion phase.

new playable races. Thus, two new playable races are added to the game. Alliance watch the race of life and Worgen werewolves HordeGoblins win. Each race is its unique ability and class options for the specific breed. In order to change a lot of players, regardless of race, or create new characters start at the beginning of the expansion packs. Besides these courses will be playable characters in a new classic combinations. previous races are available to attract new ones, such as blood elf warriors, for example. There are too many interesting things for eighth place with the publication of thisExpansion.

Cataclysm continue to enjoy new content end of the game for players. The expansion has not been published, supporting RAID more content than ever. The players the opportunity to explore the newly opened areas, as Uldum, Grim Batol and the Lost City of Vashj'ir loacated which is under the sea with the PvE content, PvP content will be a nice change. be evaluated with new battlefields and a new battleground, the PvP part of the game must be arefreshing change. With these new changes is a new environment, how Wintergrasp. rival factions within the new Iceland Tol Barad, involving each other to participate in missions a day.

Not only to explore new areas are available, but the traditional sectors have been completely renovated. This means that players have enjoyed this game, because they release a reason to start from scratch and the experiences are completely different things. The area is completelyupdated with new content being added. Unlike most of the extensions, which are new fields to these expansion plans, games and change the entire landscape to give players a whole new world to explore. An interesting feature is that in the context of this change, players finally have the opportunity to use the flying mounts in Azeroth. You may be able to feel completely different view of the continents of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms from above.

With all these exciting new featureslook to the future, there is no reason not to make plans for future expansion. New and old players can explore the new content, no matter the level. Unfortunately, no specific release date was posted cataclysm. Blizzard has already started accepting pre-orders for the expansion and declaration to be expected in 2010. So prepare to get a lot with all the new features that you want to get an early start anyway. ReserveYour copy today and get ready to dig into a whole new world.

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