Friday, June 10, 2011

In the last days scoffers

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Noah spent 120 years building the ark ... and people laughed at the right until it is time for the water and wash all.

Jesus said that he was like "the days of Noah" when you return. People relate to their daily life and indifferent to the misery that would follow. The prophet's words back into space.

Nearly 2000 years, Peter has written. Those who scoff, but to complyProphecy and, indeed, a prophetic sign in the first coming of the Lord.

"You first need to understand again that the last days scoffers will come, and to ridicule their own desires, they are. They say," Where is the promise "of his coming? Since our fathers died, everything continues as if from the very beginning of creation. "(2 Peter 3:3,4).

Mockers have forgotten that the Lord has always kept his word. He said: "In principle" andcreated worlds. He spoke again and floods have destroyed the earth. Is that the same word to preserve the world, currently in testing later.

"But they deliberately forget that long ago by the word of God is made the heavens and the earth from the waters and waters. In these waters also the world at that time was flooded and destroyed. For the same word the heavens and the land reserved for fire, kept the Day of Judgement and destruction of ungodly men. "(2Peter 3:5-7).

As God is concerned, it's time, but a fleeting moment. It 's like a cloud of smoke in the light of eternity. "Why, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? Even a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears" (Jacques 4:14).

God has been merciful to the people of that lap time in repentance and with him his great love for humanity. Our merciful God does not want anyone to die without hope. It may be possiblelive without Christ in this world, but to die without him, the greatest of all dramas.

"But remember one thing, dear friends .. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, the Lord is not in keeping his promise to reduce, as some believe, that patient is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. "(2 Peter 3:8,9).

Ridicule does not change God's prophetic calendar

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