Sunday, June 12, 2011

Five reasons for the adoption of Trusted Computing

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Trusted Computing technologies is perhaps one of the most misunderstood (willfully misunderstood, really) new computer security. The misunderstanding started Wikipedia on the "Trusted Computing" and is made up of hundreds of articles and links. Of course, there are exceptions valid on the basis that there is a closed chip, and although it can be presented to the open source software, who say that there are no hidden back doors inImplementation. However, a similar argument was made for virtually all computer systems, so if you can get up to overcome mental blocks, here are five good reasons to be excited about "Trusted Computing".

1. Trust-based Full Disk Encryption Computer
There are a number of free (TrueCrypt is the most popular) software solutions to make and pay the full disk encryption, but recently, before it was a lot of bad girls attack on a PCalone in a hotel room on the left is booted from an external hard drive to steal your password. But Joanna Rutkowska things invisible Labs, Microsoft described as BitLocker drive encryption solution can easily be extended so that the user can easily see that the computer has been hacked. If this attack is not bad generated a great concern, and Trusted Computing Group has defined the specifications of the Opal system is fully encrypted hard disk drive, bypassingperformance issues, software solutions. There is no good reason why the unity of your next purchase should not support the specification of Opal.

2. Unified Secure access to your favorite sites
The OpenID initiative has developed a method to connect to many places with a unique password and password, which handles products in one place. This is an excellent initiative, but also for wider acceptance and approval bodies such as banks, which have higher security requirementsand adoption by users, which have increased the security requirements of Wave Systems have a little 'more to protect your password with a platform to build confidence so that the server can be set at the end of the other 'You are indeed the identity, I guarantee when the TPM, and you can be sure that access to services by the only team with the installation of TPM can be done.

3. Network Security
This is afor large companies, perhaps more by the administrator of workers, but. The CNC, Trusted Network Connect has developed a set of protocols for clients IF-MAP Protocol Interface Metadata Access that their status may be questioned, and enables network devices to another network broadcast debate. Although designed for the corporate network, in a family environment as it could identify a person that piracy on the net and toasterclose enough to enjoy your toaster and frying the rest of the prison.

4. Digital Rights Management
Oh, look, I said the word ghost, DRM, mandates that the opponents of Trusted Computing in connection with indignation. However, the fact of the matter is that the companies to offer multimedia content over the network, but do not want to do what they want because they have spent a lot of money content. Trusted Computing and Trusted Platform ModuleThe Internet set-top box, and you have a system that has the potential for "no better than" meet the mantra, as iTunes did for music.

5. Mobile Security
Currently, some phones like the BlackBerry excellent security, which are like the iPhone say they have had, and yet little or nothing. However, the definition of Trusted Computing Mobile Trusted Module, a security chip (or software implementation in a highly secure and reliablesame function), capable of the same features of the TPM, plus a few others to create the world of music. Now, mobile operators have for their ringtones rock solid DRM (yes, you can roll your eyes at this comment!) But above all, their mobile banking can be so sure if this is not certain that the computer bank. The U.S. National Security Agency is also said to look at that, who knows what ...

So, there are five good reasons exciting "Trusted Computing" to get.In some cases above, can be your friend, but Trusted Computing is not the enemy, unless of course he's a pirate! The people who work in the provisions of trusted computing are very talented and some guys, if one of them, even the kids I know are anxious to Microsoft, and locking in their products. In fact, the specific TPM swing back, your privacy is maintained at the expense of functionality!

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