Monday, September 6, 2010

Monsters of Lore traditional Dinosaurs by another name?

Almost every culture on earth has an oral tradition of encounter with this great, strange animals unknown to us. The generally accepted theory is that dinosaurs were extinct long before man appeared. Yes, these creatures that our ancestors had said, and what happens to them?

The fossils which have a considerable understanding of giant creatures that are no longer present in the animal kingdom. Although they vary considerably in size, shape,The diet, habitat and type of mobility, we cried together, these species of extinct dinosaurs. Why is gone, we can only speculate. evolutionary theory is that a disaster like a meteorite which devastated 65, 000 thousand years the Earth, making it uninhabitable for many species.

The creationist view for a very recent death of the dinosaurs, the earth "creationists something old to occupy halfbetween evolutionists and creationists "new earth, the earth somewhere around 10,000 years ago. creationists agree, rather than the dinosaurs of the Genesis flood was caused and / or geological changes in global climate that has taken place since.

The essential difference between the theories is whether dinosaurs coexisting with humans.

The Bible speaks of a monster called Leviathan and Behemoth. Dragons appear in BabylonianCreation Story, Nebuchadnezzar built the city of Babylon, with representations of dragons on the walls and sealing. The ancient Egyptians used images of dragons, protect their buildings. The ancient Greeks and Romans had dragon mythology, as well as China, Japan, India and Mesopotamia.

Europe has a rich tradition of the dragon. The Vikings carved dragons on their ships. Britain has identified about 200 pages of Dragon Lore, Celtic kings were called "dragons", Walesthe dragon as a national symbol. England are designated places around the world to kill the dragons, and various local festivals have continued to live approve the killing of the dragon, since ancient times.

The Gargoyle - Gargoyle in French - which began as a dragon, "chirp" (splashing water) in this experiment, a French city under water. Archbishop filed with the animal sign of the cross, and the gargoyle was decorated with a sign of the protection of churches and other buildingssince the Middle Ages.

North America has its share of dragons. History of Mexico, Quetzalcoatl, the serpent and the parties have enough birds, the Algonquin Indians of North America played a dragon called Piasa, Chiricahua Apache had a name.

Interestingly, while the Western dragons are portrayed as intelligent human beings and bad food, Oriental dragons are considered good and friendly. In the Western world took place Dragon Killer, made 40 of the saints, the bestSantos has announced that Jorge, Michael, Catherine and Margaret. In the Middle Ages the dragon as a symbol of paganism and the Christian faith, even the evil or the devil.

Monster observations continue in the present. In January 1909, over 100 witnesses in the area of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, said he had demons "flying", said it was a scream and her eyes bright red. In 1950 through the '70s, bipedal reptilian creatures, the Loveland Frog AkaLizard Man, has been reported in Ohio, New Jersey, Kentucky, South Carolina. At that time seemed Mothman, a creature like a bird, but lacks the head with red eyes, where the shoulders. Mexico and Puerto Rico Chupacabra - Goat Sucker "- with recent observations in the southern United States, Mongolia, the worm death.

Another interesting observation that the "monster" tend to be smaller with the passage of time. So what is the truth about all these strangeCreatures? Are they true?

I read somewhere that paleontologists have shown that the habitat of the dinosaurs was due to a dramatic decrease of changes in the asteroid (or any other disaster) hit, and the asteroid was the last available. Here, the next logical step, and perhaps have a flood, or die soon after, and perhaps the disaster was an accident - not related to the disappearance of the dinosaurs at all. And perhaps not all are dead, perhapsSome are still alive.

© Lisa J. Lehr 2006

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