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Spiritual things is a hard sell Roy and one of the reasons for the spirituality of religion has been a time. Spirit is natural and it is natural for who you are. Religion is the idea to commercialize human spirituality. Part of the religion of their objectives, taking the form of spiritualism for ever changed. Mann has long felt a connection with their environment and who created it. I was curious to know who and what is not much explanationFavorites in the sky every night.
Some of the most intelligent attempts to explain their environment. The groups came together to listen, then began to form larger groups and organized religion was in its primitive form.
The gifts were brought to the speaker in recognition for his wisdom and leadership, and organized religion have become so marketed religion.
The auditors are required to pay for advice and guidance. Religions began to spread and marketing has been put in place to maintainStatus quo. The first rule of marketing is what people want and pay.
Organized religion must follow the rules for individuals, a structure that could live at home and gave humanity its natural freedom and responsibility of their power by the Church to a certain degree of security and protection against evil. If the redemption, forgiveness asked for a violation of God himself, could get some pieces, but his guardian sacred truth,knew exactly what God wanted.
As civilization became more comfortable with the Church, the rules became more complicated and each time humanity turned away from the Church a new rule was introduced to bring them back and the price kept rising. Eventually man gave up all aspects of his soul's care to the Church and he accepted living in fear as his new truth.
Man forgot that in a time before religion, his soul was free and it didn't need to be taken care of. The soul is free now and And 'the ego that thinks otherwise. The soul is not affected by a physical action, is the ego that is fragile and lives in fear of the loss or extinction of the preserve. The links of the card by the Church are so strong that even today, very clever people would not have dared to question the doctrine of the church. There is really only an advantage that the Church has to sell, and "fear". And the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of mankind. Fear is the opposite of love, but love to sellin the minds of souls enslaved or immature.
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