Friday, December 4, 2009

Rascal dispel any misunderstanding on how Member States are completely cured now - Apostle Series

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As many of you, I ~ 'incurable' MS (MS) for many years.

~ Lately, I said that "The Lord healed me of September to mid-May incurable!"

Actually ~ ~ Jesus' paid for my treatment of more than 2,000 years.

From mid-May, I received ~ "a direct manifestation of the" ~ full recovery of my most difficult symptoms of MS ~ "incontinence"

I spent 20 to 30 "pants, disposable (like Depends, but with the sticky tabs) per day.

I4 oz.of drink any liquid, then ~ ~ I want to change his diaper twice. Yes, he was a bastard "true!" You guessed it, my readers ~ ~ I felt like a urinal. A threat with a strong use of the leg can only block the tank in front of a couple of times a day.

Misunderstandings ~ my legs were then (and still today) rather immobile, the effects of multiple sclerosis or other neurological disorder ~ ~ I was afflicted.

Perhaps because my"Incontinence" problem was immediately rejected, I overreacted and has taken "all the symptoms of multiple sclerosis have been eliminated, too? From 1 Some days I do better than in previous years.

But the more I realized suddenly that my ability to walk was no better than they were before being "cured." While most people were trying to "humor" probably need to have questioned my sanity and / or might be a victim ofself-deception. Although not say that I know people who were near me, I thought. Yeah, I got it! LOL

So why I said, you ask?

The answer is: "The people of the Holy Spirit gave me too much. Yes, it is a" person "as he is God!

(KJV) Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, having dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds, andlivestock, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. "
And the Holy Spirit, the human quality of emotion that can be sad.

(KJV) Ephesians 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Remember, God said:

(CEV) Proverbs 8:8 every word I say is honest, not one or misleading.

He asked me to "be back" and "clarify" anything thatcould lead to misunderstandings.

I think that I and the other on "How to cure" by the Member States have misled ~ I'm really at this point. Therefore, this "apostle Rascal Series" on ezine articles.

Now, some might say, "Go and recover all its healing! Take not the devil, Rascal Russ!

Well, I do not lock in any way ~ ~ for the grace of God for healing. If I were a resident daemon that inhibition is my recovery, I order: "I Quit! Get OutMe in the powerful name of Jesus! "

"Leave now and never alone or with 7 ~ demonic spirits high and / or greater than the disease itself ~ In the name of Jesus!"

If God's ways are higher possibilities of man and his thoughts on the thoughts of men, then one can imagine a good reason, or even two of the reasons that have not yet received the full revelation of eliminating all the rest of my disability & MS symptoms.

What would be because he (God)should choose a better way to more conventional ~ To study the effect of healing and prosperity and its elected?

I welcome as an addition to excellent health as "the party".

No, not my faithful readers, friends and 1 Team Warning "Good Buddy ~ healing and health restoration of health in this vehicle is as romantic as the healing and / or treat Instantainously ~ ~ in total, but another," the ears to listen and respond to their humility and pride that can answer your ~Prayers to expect:


Check out "The Celebration"! "Find Rascal improve the health and prosperity, the website ~!"
Or by e-mail Rascal Russ in his speech, Section E-Mail "Addie.

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