Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Accidental Sorcerer - Rogue Agent - Book One by KE Mills

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The Accidental Sorcerer - Rogue Agent: Book One is the first of a new trilogy capricious. Karen Miller, writing, KE Mills, begins this fantasy of a tone of light of grace that seems suitable for young adults. But gradually condenses the action, obscures the atmosphere, the hero is in some serious trouble and the scenes of torture in May was the most appropriate for older readers. The characters are colorful, as a feminist, a talking bird, a butterfly, and of course the guardan enemy. It 'a world that is magical, but believable and fun to visit.

Gerald Dunwoody is attending the third class, an official who has examined the employees of the factory production. Something is for a day and the explosion of a regrettable is attributed to Gerald. There is now no hope of employment to another. The tiny principality of New Eight country needs immediate assistance and Gerald feels lucky to have a position of assistant at the Royal King Lional. But things go wrongkingdom. Princess Melis Sande, as Prime Minister, Prince Rupert is an idiot, who collects butterflies and King proved to be a dangerous self-centered desire to extend his kingdom. He sees Gerald turn a cat into a lion, and now has ordered a dragon, is illegal. The king is that you can use force to Gerald bend to his will. Gerald, however, resists, is not permissible for a man who is more of a king.

Mills has constructed a world's interestmagic, but with modern technology. Some characters are cliches, but they are memorable and fun. The dialogue is full of satire and humor. There is intrigue, conflict and a final exciting. It 'fun to read, things to prepare for the second book - Bruges Incorporated.

Publisher: Orbit (January 1, 2009)

ISBN: 978-0-316-03542-2

Paperback: 560 pages

Price: 7,99 €

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