Friday, February 19, 2010

Jennifer Kess, and why we need a real death penalty

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I just read an article in our local newspaper for the disappearance of Jennifer Kess. Jennifer was a local resident here in Orlando, which was January 24, 2006 was reported missing when no longer work at that time. Recent work seen leaving the last days, and the face of the card the next day.

I think it's fair to say that at this time that Jennifer is not short because of his will, but he played the game wrong. Now, more than two yearssince the last time he did not mention former members of his family, we must go to the cold reality of life that probably will not.

Living in Orlando, I have seen many programs with a new segment of the disappearance of Jennifer, and most of these reports reveal some of the same images over and over again. The beautiful image of 24-year-old Jennifer, and live recordings of their parents very upset. Without knowing theirPersonally, it's hard for me to be fully utilized, all the pain and suffering that their parents and other people feel at home. This does not mean I do not understand why I should do. After the loss of someone close to me, offers a perspective from the experience. But the loss of someone close to you and not know what happened to them, well ...

The prevailing feeling I had when you read or heard about the death of a man, women or children because of the selfish actions of othersRabies is .... I want the responsible person (s), then captured. If you are the life of another human being because you cut off the motorway, take the life of another human being, because it gives a kind of perverse satisfaction, or when the life of another human being because he is dying of cold Optik - or a kind of introduction they deserve.

The death penalty, as we know it today is a joke. They should change the name of "death penalty" for"10 years to life prison sentences. The average minimum of every man or woman sentenced to death before the phrase itself was not made, is 10 years. The reason for proposing the name change, including the proposal that is "life" as many sentences are "on" Life in prison or the person who dies before the death penalty is applied. However, capital punishment, provided a semblance of deterrence must be made within a reasonable time. In Iraq, onceHis verdict is ordered within 30 days. In China, once convicted, will be led through the streets of the back of a truck with a sign given to the head of the description of his crime and punishment. Thirty minutes later, lead to a wide field open to the public, then shot in the head with a gun. To add insult to injury, the court of China with the surviving members of the family with the cost to the balloon. Now, it is a deterrent!

It's badsufficient, announced today that here in the United States is not afraid of God more real, the courts have a. The poor have no fear of any accountability for their actions. Be rationalized, if not caught, it Away With Murder ... FALSE. They face God one day and is served in the truest form of justice based on experience. Anything can happen here on earth is in most cases, ending the 80, but said the punishment of God to a personwhen they die, is eternal. The last time I checked the calendar, eternity is a time ... more than 80 years, the average life of man on this earth.

I do not propose the death penalty should be carried out in 30 minutes, or up to 30 days. But if ever there was an obstacle must be completed in a few years. If criminals are dropping like flies, which have no value to begin with, the death penalty has a meaning, and the possibility that the death penaltyFinally, a lot of fear in a lot of bad people ... People who are a waste of human flesh and does not deserve the gift of life.

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