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When the first public avatar RealD 3D experience, many of us players immediately said, "Would not it be nice if a 3D game was great," Well, apparently the producers of the overhead console, said the same thing and 3D gaming is just around the corner.
Shooting a film in 3D media, the processes that capture multiple cameras at different angles and eat all these images directly into their 3D glasses do depth perception. The other option is to 3Dthe fact that manipulation of the computer. But these have a 2D look cut that is less in most cases is not realistic.
The good thing is that video games are virtual cameras. The 3D-Magic in the lower level of the game engine with graphics that are installed. Believe it or not, these data are already included in many PC games! David Chechelashvili, director of hardware companies said Xpand 3D games with DirectX 8.0 and above and to provide such information, butMaterial simply do not exist to make it even seems. As soon as we'll see games that work with 3D TV?
3D games for 3D TV
Sony and Nvidia recently announced its new 3D version of the PlayStation 3 and games that are pre-PC with the new 3D TVs that are just around the corner from work. Some games looked better than others. The exhibition presents the most powerful 3D dizzying moments of real depth perception. The PlayStation 3 will be a firmware update to work with 3D TVGames would naturally be created in this way. The firmware update is expected at the end of the year.
3D games on the road
Nintendo is always one step ahead of innovation and the next big thing. a system of production and technical commitments to experience all the effects of 3-D could be eclipsed - it has been attempted in 3D on the front of the ill-fated Virtual Boy.
However, his latest foray into 3D laptop looks very promising. Nintendo3DS is based on the success of DS and includes an analog input of 360 degrees. The 3D effect without glasses and can not ignore the images in 3D. The large number of big name games that will appear for the first time in 3D makes the 3DS to see the portable gaming device.
Nintendo boasts that the new games created these 3D depth of the value of classic games like Mario 64 and Starfox. as a promising horizon for Nintendo DS includes the revival of Kid IcarusFranchise, Mario Kart, Pilotwings, Star Fox, Resident Evil and Ninja Gaiden.
What is the future
films will be in 3D and games really a permanent part of our entertainment or just a fad? Only time will tell. It will take years for 3D TV, common and economical choice for gamers, and time for technology to mature and be integrated with the games. However, opportunities for games and 3D reality view.
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