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No rank these games, because the categories on different platforms and different. These games are some of the most anticipated games for 2009 and have huge fan bases. View all offers interesting and tons of fun with players of great intensity!
Halo Wars - Halo Wars is a game of real-time strategy (RTS), designed specifically for Xbox 360. Players manage resources and develop and maintain buildings and armies to achieve the objectives. There are two playableA political group, the man of the UN Security Council and strange pact with its unity, strength and special abilities. Players in their armies, the creation and development of databases, it is in those places where units are new training courses and resources. There are few places on the basis of each scenario or a map so that the defense of the base assembly and a major priority. Destruction of the results of a player base in the last defeat, if not a new database quickly restored. This is new to Halo, if notSaca, which could seriously undermine the aura of the brand. The game begins in the United States on March 3, so get ready!
Guitar Hero: Metallica - Guitar Hero is a clever idea, a guitar and play while watching the display models. Who would have thought it would be a worldwide success, as you? Guitar Hero 3 was great and then took Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, is included in a single volume. I'm a fan of Metallica and curious to know how many and which songs to choose fromMetallica Arsenal. I started to write a Guitar Hero for some time, but maybe this new version is again aroused my interest. Delivered March 29.
God of War 3 - A game with great graphics and control, God of War back and better than ever. This time, the amount of enemies on the screen was raised to 50, against 15 in the last rate comparison of God of War. It 's always good news. Only two weapons have been confirmed: the blades of the markAthena and the Cestus, forming a pair of thumb cuffs as lion heads. These new weapons seems to be the ability to penetrate solid objects like stones. Sounds like fun. The game on the PS3 until the end of this year. So do not stop breathing.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - Okay, I'm tired of this! I'm seriously thinking of buying a Nintendo DS just for this game. My friends say, do not buy a game system, but I say that the rules must bebroken. Also, this game is badass! Listen: this is a drug mini-game, Drugwars that allows players to sell six types of drugs in the city. Players make a profit by recognizing market conditions and demands based on geography and navigation of their products accordingly. Oh, and I thought, Scarface is a decent mini-game drug. If not, have been sold, you can use the DS stylus like a screwdriver to Hotwire cars. After that, the car is like to be alertedoff, which can be disabled with a special device. different cars have different tools to newer technologies. Size. The game is March 17.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - bought and added the first. big fan of Call of Duty series has been, and have not been disappointed yet. This is the sixth in the series. I see a reason to go back and fourth between the two the Second World War and the Modern War. Very clever, so for now users of a holeEnter the game others will be achieved. Activision is very difficult to improve your game quickly. They offer some of the FPS war games more realistic. Now that the Battlefield games have been reduced, have conquered the market. The game is in the fourth quarter.
Resident Evil 5 - Resident Evil Official Xbox Magazine 9.0 out of 10, praising his "problems on the wall of bullets and battles impressive." Sheva IApraised, as in "vigilance is exercised against the raise and a capable fighter, but criticized for his inability to be proposed strategies," the last battle unbearably difficult. "The fact that the enemies in the game to enter at all speeds was welcomed. It should be noted that they were armed with rifles of the enemy, blind, and can duck for cover fire. The work of the monitoring system was not allowed players to move and shoot at the same time criticized. The new inventory system was also consideredQuestion of the magazine say that many hate If They are "essentially play-To balance never too well armed." RE5 is summarized as "a spectacular action with great production values" and "excellent co-op game." Official PlayStation Magazine gave the game a 5 out of 5 praised controls and visual effects. Xbox World 360 has a much more critical, saying: "East and West, with mixed results, and stated that" a strong shooter who unfortunately lostResident Evil 4 is the norm .. Worlds main criticisms Xbox Sheva TO says something, she was "responsible for the worst Resident Evil 5 to offer and is the best. "The review also found that always choose the weakest weapon given to her and play the game alone is a nightmare Sheva kangaroo." But the game was 81/100, completing how "great co-op. The PlayStation UK-based independentPlayStation World Magazine criticized the game for its lack of power and the evident failure of the series progresses. But they have since Thursday, August 1, 1910 Resident Evil 5 was set at March 13 News.
Diablo 3 - Release date not yet, may be this year, but the mere possibility of leaving to see hard to ignore. Simple and addictive, you can not lose in this game as an RPG great. The part of the cave in another hellBattle increasingly difficult opponents, there is not much better. Diablo 3 is intended to make it even bigger. Diablo 3 will remain similar to those found in previous games in the series, including one that recalls the position of the isometric view of the time. The game looks great trailer, has new features, but retains a sense of nostalgia for the first version. A better search, a random level generator, the random number generator and a meeting is intended to be used for the gameoffer different experiences during the game. The missions have always been the devil, unlike many MMORPGs such as Age of Conan, which ruined the positive connotation of the word this for me. In addition, there will be class specific quests to go with the main story missions. For the first time in the series, scenes with the engine used in the crucial moments.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction - The game with spectacular graphics Unreal 2.5 Engine. Ushave been numerous delays in production and this game a long time. He recently moved from April and cross your fingers that one day sticks. The information on this game is so insidious that the game itself. Little is known, but a trailer and some screenshots that were communicated to discern. The trailer shows a calendar based on the interaction Sat out with accessories (tables and chairs) enemies. The events described take place in the trailerWashington DC, and several attractions, including the War Memorial of Korea, the United States and the capital, the Washington Monument, was in several promotional videos and trailers. On June 30, you can get your hands on a copy.
The Sims 3 - Unlike previous versions, the houses and neighborhoods will be transparent, so that players explore and interact with their environment, without loading times. Twelve career prosecutor (police, crime, military,Science, politics, journalism, business, entertainment, food, medicine, sports or gardening). Each race has a journey to building work in the area, The Sims, for their trip. Sims can also apply for jobs in this building. Apparently, they have the "Create a" feature Sim, and strengthened. It is possible levels of obesity and muscle, among other things, like facial features. The part which I think is the best: Create-a-Sim currently has more than 80 singleSelect. Some of them are bad, Slob, good sense of humor, charismatic, Solitaire, geek, vegetarian, frugal, mad, athletics, Hot Target, Lucky, Glamour and Insane. It is not possible that a convoy Sim (for example, brave and cowardly giving contradictory). The player can also change many aspects of the personality of one of the Sims, as a hobby, color, sex, and food products. There is much to be discovered in this. Look in stores June 2
Tekken 6 - One of the greatestFighting Games of all time, with Mortal Kombat in force. I think it's a bit 'like Star Wars re-release the original version, there are a lot of emotions here. It 'been a little' we are not a new game of Tekken. You can imagine the game in 1080p? Tekken 6 has seen the greatest number of modified characters in Tekken game with a total of 42 characters (including two characters Bloodline Rebellion). According to Namco, virtually all Tekken 5: DarkResurrection characters will be back with new additional characters. Do not miss this, it is in October 27 this year, and this time in Japan have had for almost two years!