Monday, June 21, 2010

Greatest Video Game Villains 8

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So many games are too focused on the hero, the villain is overlooked and ends up being boring and without personality. But today, the game to have more weight today TDA players are interested and happy. This is my homage to these games, almost cold bad if it is good to be the hero.

8) Final Fantasy 8: Seifer

Seifer Squall begins with a fellow student at the Academy of seed and because the scar is bad Squall. The rivalry gets angry and shows Seiferits true face as a villain. I liked that Seifer is a bad quite normal in appearance, was not a clown dance (Kefka) or effeminate men blurring the borders between genres (Kuja).

7) Super Mario: Bowser

Although the original Donkey Kong, Mario enemy Bowser was so cold, especially because he was a dragon and an ape Donkey Kong. Bowser has its own server, a castle huge, and the spines on its shell. It 's always been the scene of Mario, especially when he joined the groupSuper Mario RPG. Because he was the strongest character in the game, I ignore the clown looked ridiculous in flight.

6) Chrono Cross: Lynx

Lynx is an interesting villain, is a bi-pedal cat with a very good team, reflecting a dark style, gothic Dracula was a person it seems. With a clown named female sidekick Harle, Lynx looked wild with him and with him, and Serge Lynx Set for control of the game, creating aThe connection between him and players.

5) Resident Evil 5: Wesker

It 'was presented to Wesker in Resident Evil, but we used to know the series, his character much better in the fifth. A long coat and glasses are the typical peasant fare, but Wesker has superhuman powers viruses in their body. Chris and Sheva are the bags for most of the game, Wesker has moved clearly visible when placed on the painthem. Treat yourself and rent Resident 5, but not bad fight scenes to see if Wesker.

4) Baldur's Gate: Sarevok

The introduction movie of Baldur's Gate takes the player and shows that Sarevok is not taken lightly. As a brother of the hero and the murderess of her adoptive father, the reasons are unclear and Sarevok is for players to track and conclusion of his evil plans. A giant head is covered by the footArmor is a challenge to defeat Sarevok.

3) Metal Gear Solid: Revolver Ocelot

Our first meeting was held with Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid game for the PlayStation, and is a bit 'disappointing because he had cut his arm from Grey Fox. However, the school has Ocelot with an old six-shooter games and the upcoming Metal Gear games be. Ocelot is an agent during the Cold War and the accuracy participated Snake, if not overcome. Onlylater in the series the player has finally know what's happening on this side of the Ocelot and the silence that surrounds the place on my list as a great villain.

2) Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth

Sephiroth is surprising how useful is a term with people who have never played FFVII and infamous is the epitome of cool. Everybody Loves Sephiroth, despite all suck Mako of the planet and wants to sail around the world. What really raisesSephiroth other scenes struggle for power and absolute evil sword skills of the screen, keeping the arrogant confidence. Both the Genesis, Zack and Cloud, Sephiroth still on a map.

1) Knights of the Old Republic: Darth Revan

This is my number one and top Sephiroth, mostly because the player is actually Darth Revan, but I do not know until later in the game Revan is one of the best characters in the Star Wars series, the use ofUsually a dark suit with a hood and a mask of Boba Fett. It 's a big change in the game when you learn that are really dark and evil character. Belongs to the reader whether they will continue the reign of terror Revan and regain his throne after defeating his illness, the dark apprentice Malak, or may turn against their old habits and take the positive side of power.

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