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Dear Business Builder,
Sometimes I am confused.
Only a few years ago - when the president of Phillips Publishing asked the group of publishers and advertisers in response copywriting.
In 1990, and the president of Phillips was the legendary Bob King - a man truly great, and one of the greatest minds in marketing that I know of.
If I remember the first question I asked was: "How do you know the difference betweengood sales copy and bad copy? "
So my flummoxation: these executives hold a diploma in Marketing from major universities - Marketing Hot Shots, the writer describes every day ... criticized our copy and changes caused by us - and I just wanted to know was ... "How can I copy shop locally strong when I see him?
I felt dizzy. I was so surprised by a disaster, let me first thing that went through my head: "I do not know," he said, "You feelit. "
I explained that consumers often buy things because it makes sense to do so - and the vast majority of purchases in this country because it meets an emotional need. Very happy to be the most powerful sales copy must reside in the mind, emotions in the relationship - whether positive or negative - and show how to read the copy, and buy the product to satisfy desires or allay these fears.
Then, I explained, not onlyThinking through writing, editing and revising, I feel my way through - to ensure that "tingling" increases with each step, until, literally, can not wait until your order.
I explained how each marketing message designed as a channel for the reader to the point that was in line with its needs ... and then takes you step by step, link by link for the order.
Showed me how the chain is as strong as its weakest link: How to lose a minute, "tingling"the reader gets bored, he was lost, and breaks the chain. What happens if you say something that feels incredible to him, he breaks the chain. What happens if it coincides with the loss of clarity of vision, the chain breaks.
He noted that even if it guarantees that each link in the chain is intact and the text is only as strong as its strongest link. The attractiveness of each section, plus your response and average order value. And again the feeling my wayfor me to build the strongest part of my copy.
I thought it was a sufficient response. I still do. In fact, if you do not have the experience of reading aloud to your copy, remote sensing, as the whole body feels to you, remote sensing, as is likely to feel the point of view, I advised.
But when I saw the boy's face, I could say that I have raised the issue more than it solves. They needed something more tangible for me. They needed a checklist --More small handful of nuts and bolts tactics research.
And so, in a belated attempt to improve my decade old answer, let me 21 facilities on the site that offers great sales copy - and to help ensure that ads, direct mail and Internet promotions for the winner can not work harder for you.
These rules NO. I hate the rules. But there is "no rules" - guidelines that have paid for me many times in my 30 years in the trenches of direct response - and IWe hope that the ad text and strengthen ...
There is no rule # 1 - Be Somebody!
We tend to be skeptical or suspicious information to us by a company. We hope - Yes, we - the advice of the leaders and representatives who have qualified our interests at heart. And we welcome the advice of someone who has solved a problem that we must fight.
Leave a copy of friendship and / or highly qualified human face - and I have spoken with a human voice - isRamp to the impact of their sales messages to an order of magnitude.
Rule No. 2 - Address the potential Skip content:
You actually get two top price of one:
A Talk) to readers: Instead of talking about how "we" old ... as "we" meeting of various health problems, see the unity of his life ... your future ... and especially their feelings.
Use the word "you" as often as possible in the text. Remember: YourSee really does not turn on you, your company, your product or anything else. The prospect is interested in the perspective!
B) a discussion on the reader: It 'true that x million Americans suffer heart attacks each year. But saying so does not mean that we are talking about x million other people.
Finding ways to customize what types of statistics: "As Americans are more than 40 years, the probability of a cross with a heart attack this year." Wow.Well, I raised my attention!
Rule No. 3 - Being Human:
They often begin by closing your eyes and imagine that I spoke with a friend about this topic. How do I start to talk? What can I say? And you? What I want to say?
I would not be plural: "We want to help ... I would say:" Here - let me help ... "
Rule No. 4 - Identify the customer
Gary Bencivenga has done very well with hisBecause investors are tired of ... "Relative to the time of his classic work of all lies, lies, lies!" Package. Immediately, potential customers, the person addressing him was transformed from a seller in a boy "normal" - someone like him.
Tell the reader what they have in common. Know: here you identify. It shows a fatal weakness, or a little 'disappointed that the two could share. Entire hard for you and generate popularRelationship of trust between you.
Rule 5 - Shaping the enemy
Why, the reader does not solve this problem, or to comply with this request? All other products have not been proven effective? They are the "experts" who advised him badly? Is anyone using it intentionally?
This is a rich vein of emotional life - I know I mean it! But instead of playing l ', customize the banks of injustice. Speaking of greedy bankers, I like this or that for the reader. Or the pharmaceutical companies on how indifferentTrick-leading doctors to prescribe expensive and dangerous objects that do not work often.
Rule 6 - to prove every point
Never ask your readers to accept any claim at face value. Always trying to suspend your disbelief for each application. Credibility best features may include:
The study data from reputable sources
Expert testimony
Statements that your point of view of a great magazine - The New York Times, Wall StreetJournal, etc.
Rule No. 7 - Do not Fear the occasional obvious exaggeration:
No, I do not pretend that you are describing what your product should not be exaggerated. But often a clear over-the-top show my clients how they feel about a certain point.
Once in a health promotion, for example, I wrote:
"Some surgeons are so greedy, that will be glad to welcome you cut a hole through you - just for your wallet!"
True? Whowhite? No, I have the story of a surgeon who was literally the extent of a patient in my reasoning make files. But I knew that many of my readers have had a hysterectomy, mastectomy and other surgical procedures, which was later determined that it was not necessary - and in line, each with emotion, and me.
Rule No. 8 - in everyday language:
I try to express my point of view, because I'm used to being spoken. Yes, it ismeans they often dangling participles and other parties (the language). So what? I'm trying to convey here - and try not to be an English language test.
Make fun of pedants, who are continually correct its loans Winston Churchill once said: "The gerund is something that I will not do." Said almost everything ...
Rule No 9 - All slang is not bad!
Many coaches say you should use technical terms and avoid jargon of the field altogether.Nonsense. Judicious use of the jargon is often useful when I write - as ...
A) If the meaning of jargon is familiar to the reader - particularly investors doctors and patients - I'm on the intelligence, to speak a language which he understands and is doing well.
B) In the jargon we speak - in moderation - an expert who teaches expert, well ... Know-how. We hope that doctors are responsible for the use of medical jargon and language brokersUsing the terminology of investing. If the concept is not clear if you do not attach a brief statement and then go ahead.
The figures are the n ° 10 - words are beautiful!
From the beginning, I said, cliche, proverbs, analogies, aphorisms, proverbs, sayings and avoided in this way. But why? If you have a conversation face to face with their perspective would have heard of tons of these phrases?
This is not the preferred use of this proverb once said: "Hey - I'm not a businessman;'m Just like you! ? I am fascinated by the prospect of a smile? And do not say most of them at once, something that otherwise would have been a sentence or more?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a lot of expression must be worth at least a hundred. Let's experience. When a phrase that will help them communicate more quickly or driving a nail harder - and if you are absolutely sure that its meaning is immediately understood his point of view - Go for it!
OfOf course, the written copy that is just a cliche after another, could be a slippery slope. The client can also say that his promotion is a basket case. What a bore! You might end up feeling dumb as a sack of hammers.
On the other hand, choosing the right locations to communicate quickly with one language can be the bread and butter. Who knows? Perhaps having richer Mida!
Rule No. 11 - Replace the 75 most powerful words and phrases in EnglishLanguage to work for you:
Use this free (gratis) in titles, captions, and its copy:
At Last
First Time
As ...
As ...
Last Chance
Never Before
Nothing To Lose
No pain
Quick Search
Do not send money
The truth about ...
And, of course, of all time winner ... YOU!
Another thing: Some words and phrases are weak. The Gay-written Namby Pambio universe. The "power" ... 'Could' ... "If" ... 'Could' ... "May" ... "If" ... "should be" ... "has the potential to" ... "In my opinion" ... and the remaining beetles should be allowed to be copied, if necessary.
Tell your prospect that your product is about to do. If the beagle legal or complianceJournal of the complaint, make a call and negotiate.
She writes: "These investments are guaranteed, but if interest rates rise."
VERSION OF COMPLIANCE: "This investment could have the potential to increase when interest rates go up - maybe."
Commitment: "These investments have the power to increase when the increase in interest rates."
Rule No. # 12 - strabismus
Squint ago decipher the letters and words, and I was left alone with the bossThe sections of the page.
When I study the page, then I ask myself: "At first glance, it seems easier to read and more attractive, or is dense, with long passages that prevent just treat my readers?
So ...
Going to break long paragraphs into shorter - for the same line numbers, if I can ...
Locate where you screaming for a break - a sidebar or paragraph indentation, for example - and then work on it ...
SearchThe possibility of a block along on the left to copy the grain (in a string like this one).
I am looking for a number of advantages, the steps of a procedure or other items of copy that I ball, before the figures, letters, etc.
The alternatives are terrible ...
The age of your body fluoride has been shown to require chromosomal damage and block DNA repair enzymes.
Poisons the brain: subjects with small doses of fluoride laboratory for a given year, there is a greaterThe absorption of aluminum in the brain amyloid plaques and the formation of beta-that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. And studies have shown the Chinese five, exposed to reduced IQ in children with fluoride!
... Panel or benefits because of this spell on a recent promotion of its money from the report:
# 1 The secret of homeowners who become rich: You can make the difference between the earnings of fat and a devastating loss! Page XX
To return aLuck? WATCH OUT! Brilliant strategy with you a package without ever being a single property. But they also could get sued - or worse! ABC: page xx
Beware of landmines in front of these "owner" of 3 easy ways to avoid costly landlord / tenant traps. Page XX
... Or create a label. This series, "7 Secrets pharmaceutical companies Guilty Do not Want You To Know" is also congratulated on the cover of the piece, as a reason to read the piece:
Fact # 1: Business to kill dozens of drugsThousands of people each year, many of the drugs most often prescribed today are not only useless, but extremely dangerous - to paralyze and kill as many Americans die each year in the 18 years of war in Vietnam.
In fact # 2: What are intentional - price: the super-rich of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry - the only profitable company in North America - is the use of falsified research, reports on drugs and lies partially lethal and ineffective Doctors push guilt and innocencePatients.
Rule No. 13 - Go for the accuracy and performance:
Many experts say you should use short words. Write as if the view is a student of eighth.
Some anal-retention drug control, including asking students to add all the letters in each section and the odds by far the number of words and make sure that the average length of not more than five letters!
That's what I do ...
o If a long word means exactlyand brings the same emotional tone as well as a shorter word, I go with the word shorter.
I can not read or talk with people who have more words, not only lower: Who knows? "Easy" if everything is what it is to use "Help" or "light" ... "Compensation" when they want to "pay" ... "Individual" if "a man" or a girl "or" person "... or" fairly "when they really want!"
In nine cases out of ten, I think people who write or talk about howtrying to hide something. As the uncertainty of the mass. Or the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.
Postponement of the appointment in the classic William Zinsser, On Writing Well
"Attention, therefore, the long word that is not better than the short word" many "(many) to promote," "(simple)," person "(man or woman)," left ") (the rest The" first "(before)," application "(DO)," enough "(sufficient)," experimental ") (test-call" (call), and hundreds of others. "
O However, if aWord - or even a whole sentence - or more precisely expressed my thought is the best feeling that I go for the longest word is!
Rule No. 14 - short phrases Rule!
This is a particular weakness of mine - who tend to string too many thoughts ... In contact with dashes and ellipses, and other devices, and the prayers become full paragraphs, filed in preparation for any loss or need to read twice. (Damn - oneyet!)
I do not care too much my first project. When I try everything on paper. I try to repair my career when I was working for Firefox later.
When I edit my copy, try to keep these tips in mind the classic book on writing, elements of style:
"The writing is concise strong. The penalty should not be unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should contain no unnecessary lines and a machineno unnecessary parts. This does not require the writer that all his sentences short or avoid dealing with all the details of his subjects only in outline, but that every word I say. "
Rule No. 15 - Count commas:
I see commas as warning signals in the copy. Sure - you could, for good reason: As the data show that knows that one or the other on the correct punctuation.
However, commas are often a red flag, which told me he had a meeting toin my hands. Or worse, they shout: "Hey, Bozo! You wrote this sentence in your head!"
Imagine ...
"With only the best intentions, Clayton said that his example."
The comma in the sentence above is an output signal that something is out of balance. Unable to read faster if I'm just saying ...
"Clayton said his example, with the best intentions."
Rule No. # 16 - Use the following words at the beginning of paragraphs:
BesidesDocuments must be in every point of the copy of the sale also large: he must sell the prospect the idea to read the next paragraph.
From the beginning I knew that the use of conjunctions and other words of connecting points beginning, a simple way to keep the pace was "Y" ... "More" ... "But ..." Addition, "..." Addition, "..." What is "..." And again: "..." Worse still, "for example.
Note: I love "and" better "but". Y is positive. "But --negative. I'm looking for "but for" and "ANDS replacing" whenever I can.
Rule No. 17 - Find links that allow you to maintain the momentum:
I make extensive use of contractions. After all - is how people speak! In fact, the only time I write, "no place" for "not" if "no" is crucial for the senses. And if this is more important, I emphasize strongly, or a capital cursive, and are available in the above case.
Non Standard --# 18 - In particular:
Every community in its text is a landmine. The fact that murder.
Instead of saying: "Save time, tell the customer exactly how much time to record something. Do not say" Buy now and save! Say: 'You save $ 99 for it in the next 10 minutes!
I read all the drawings to make excuses for the size of each specific problem as a whole and all the promises.
Rule # 19 - on the topic:
Some people think thatthe opportunity to ask the question - both in the game or in another part of the copy is a mistake. "Finally," they say, are strong, declarative sentences, the questions are too low. And also, how do you really know how you react to the prospect?
But sometimes the questions are weak. Sometimes they are hypothetical - and make a statement very strong statement. A title that I wrote for Louis Navalli - a head that is successful in more than a year by post - once asked ...
What is the problemricher faster?
The copy below:
Gradually made money, and immediately made me money. Believe me, faster, better!
The head was not really a problem. It 'was a cry of opposition from investors are impatient, who tired of telling her cold launch.
In the pre-header of a recent piece of mail to report the money, I wrote ...
or leaders who are suspicious about their income?
broker ill or central banksActions - and become rich, even if they do it?
or wait impatiently for the benefits of Wall Street is committed to you - but not the delivery?
It's time to join millions of their compatriots who become rich when it finally ...
"Thanks for nothing, Wall Street --
I'd Rather yourself! "
Used properly, the questions can often be used to prove that you already know and hear the answer. And there may be a good way to show the terribleAlternatively - as I said in the ER for an investment newsletter ...
PS: And if I'm wrong? What if I can really help to avoid losses and gains, even though tech stocks sinking? How do you feel, lick their wounds, and knowing that if you simply say "Yes" to this generous offer, you can make a killing?
Yes - Interest - Let me hear you now. If I can do to you, my services costera 'nothing. If I can, I laugh all the way to the bank.
Rule No. 20 - When in doubt, cut-out:
After I did a project, often find my best result will be a couple of paragraphs buried in the copy. Move or delete the first few paragraphs - or even the first - would have gone much faster.
Another weak point of mine: too much repetition. I tend to write about key figures, or write in a major market in different ways. Two models are the ideal time to do this duplication and localA summary of a series of tables in a quick and powerful.
Rule No. 21 - Break the Rules!
Never let the fact that a particular technique, it is difficult to prevent their use. Follow a path that lies before you write like you. They discover each route across. Do not let this vital part of spoiler left brain to kill you, what could be a good idea until you have time to develop its full, they had. Although most agree that something is wrong, you have learned. AndIf it works, has reached an important step forward.
Hope this helps!