Thursday, February 18, 2010

Resident Evil

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Resident Evil is the game that defined the survival horror genre, but it was the first that has created what its predecessors, and refined in doing something big. The basic idea is to Resident Evil, who will face great difficulties, almost opposite the terrible monster that has nothing to defend. Sounds like fun to you? Read on ...


Almost a decade has passed since Resident EvilE 'was the first time in the PSOne, Playstation, or simply not yet published. At that time, the graphics were absolutely fantastic. The pre-rendered backgrounds have been something of a movie and the character and enemy models. While the game is not great shock value as it was, if not look good.


Resident Evil 's music and sound effects department was in order. The music do a great job of creating a great shock, asAtmosphere. All the sound effects are well-made weapons to the enemy, as the launch of zombie hunting and act legally on their way. Resident Evil also features the voices of the game is weaker than the wail. The characters that speak to more easily identify with the actors, but with the quality of spoken dialogue in Resident Evil, in fact, no one asks, "What the hell Capcom thinking?". Dialogue only clumsy, ill --writing and cheese, also very different from those who have spoken have acted. Fortunately, there are a lot of him. As the game is not better than a game there, enter-Boo! - Type of concerns raised by a shot of an enemy by a sudden unexpected and, at the same time, playing loud music panic stricken. This is one of the things that Resident Evil unforgettable.


Resident Evil you play as a member ofSTARS (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) Alpha Team, a group of specialists in the Police Department sent to Raccoon Raccoon Mountain, the sudden disappearance of his fellow Bravo team to investigate. After a series of events organized by the Alpha team is forced to take refuge in a house where the play is set. Conspiracy Resident Evil Opening in the shape of scattered notes and letters to residents of the house. The property has everything, it wasa bit 'of drama, betrayal, and perhaps even a small amount of love, but is mostly science fiction and horror. It 'a little' stereotype, but the way in Resident Evil, which states that it represents. History supports the game Resident Evil really great.


Resident Evil is the game that started at all and almost all other survival horror games out there, and certainlyGame, which everyone, even you should try, even if the survival horror games are not your passion. Capcom also noticed this, and from that day the action of Resident Evil and many of the parties has produced the games and even a remake of the original. This is the game that started it all, and the game that defined the survival horror. Each player's self-respect must be one with and enjoy the best part of the game of survival horror.

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